I had this idea ages ago but Jo wasn’t keen on running it. He simply isn’t the visionary that I am!

With GLL likely to increase pool fees this year and again next year it got me thinking about finances. Whilst most of us would probably stump up more money for fees, I think it might be tricky to attract new members. The race nights are good but it’s still basically all the members paying for the club, with no real chance of the event growing.

THE WORLD PEDALO CHAMPS! Much like the Bale Push, it’s an event that most have a chance of winning, whether you cycle, run, swim, do cross-fit, you’re a tryathlete (like some of our members)… Everyone will think they could win it. We pay the boating lake a few quid for 6-8 boats, get permission to use the corner of the lake and erect a couple of small marquees, put in for an events license (5-10pm), see if someone like Newquay Insurance might sponsor us (in the way of insurance), get a brewery to sponsor (in the way of cheap booze!) and run a bar at the same time.

Finances - if we had 40 boats compete, so 80 people (which I think is very do-able) at £11 per boat, everyone spent £20 at the bar, BBQ? £? - Take in around £2,000 - costs = £1500-ish. Plus, if successful the event could grow.

  • Insurance - it’s about 3 foot deep the whole way around! See if local company would sponsor

  • Booze - Skinners?

  • Event License - they cost about £25 to apply. With a 10pm finish should be straight forward. You simply state it’ll finish early, family events, fundraiser, check IDs for under 25s etc. Police have a chance to object - Blackers!

  • Ticket Sales - through Ticket Tailor (Sea Swim Cornwall have an account) £1 per ticket sold (that’s why it’s £11 not £10)

  • We also run raffle / do BBQ? Man bar.

  • Numbers go up - profits go up…

  • Take £12 per boat on the night (2 people per boat)

  • Run it early or late season so it doesn’t clash with other events ie. early May/Sept