Here are some of our favourite 'catch' videos
/Catching properly is something that lots of people do not execute properly and one of the easiest ways to improve your stroke and ultimately your speed and efficiency. If you don’t catch correctly, you don’t pull the water properly and rate your arms quicker, making you tired far quicker… Getting it right is crucial.
Here’s a collection of our favourite videos on the topic. You don’t have to watch all of the videos in their entirety, far quicker to watch the relevant sections to you and skip the parts that aren’t.
This goes through the entire ‘catch’, from start to finish :
Video no. 2 is Cornish girl and Olympic open water medalist Cassie Patten demonstrating a beautiful front crawl catch. Early wrist drop, early elbow bend and a nice long pull phase, with the palm of her hand facing her feet, nearly the entire time.
In at 3, is this lovely visual representation of an early wrist drop, elbow bend and catch. Really makes it simple to digest.
Great ‘catch’ drill to add to your sessions. Really isolates and focusses on your catch and pull. Feel free to use swim fins, if you like.