Swimming Holiday Case Study

The following is a sequence of swims that we put on during a holiday back in 2017. It was one of those holidays where absolutely everything went perfectly (not that it doesn’t normally you understand!). The weather was perfect, there was no wind or swell - which meant that we could pick any swims we wanted.

It was a returning group and a private group booking, so everyone knew each other and we knew everyone. So there was lots of…(I hate this word but I’ll use it in this instance)…banter. The sun also shone all weekend. This obviously doesn’t happen on every holiday but even if it does rain it only ever tends to be for half the trip! A couple of unexpected things also took place - the first being an Opera singer warming up at the Minnack Theatre and her song blew across the water in the breeze for the whole swim, the second being an army of BBC trucks at Porthcurno early morning filming Poldark. We just missed the cast and crew…but it was a point of excitement…

Great holiday and if you watch the video you can view the swims that the group took on.