World Record Body Surfing attempt

A lack of swell meant that we had to call off attempt no 1 in June!

So….attempt number 2 will be happening at Towan Beach on Oct 5th, plan B Fistral if small surf. We’ll carry out a little coaching session for any newbies from 11. We’ll then have a safety talk at around 11.45-11.50 and look to have our first attempt at 12.

Rules are the following :

None of the body surfers are allowed any buoyant device other than swim fins and handplanes.

  1. No body surfer is permitted to be pulled into the wave by a water craft.

  2. The wave can be natural or created by a boat. If the wave is man-made it must be created by a single boat.

  3. The duration of the surf is a minimum of 5 seconds. Any riders who fail to meet that minimum time must be discounted from the record total.

Slightly odd rules but basically don’t bring a wetsuit (although you can wear one in the coaching session from 11) but you can bring a hand plane and swim fins! Definitely bring swim fins if you own some.

The current World Record is only 25…so very beatable.

Straight after the world record attempt(s) we will hold an unofficial body surfing Cornish Champs, based purely on distance on the wave.

More details to follow…