Swim the Lizard Peninsula

The more time I spend in the Lizard Peninsula, is the more time that I want to spend there. It’s a beautiful and very diverse area and offers a number of swims that are simply world class. Being a peninsula you can generally get in a swim, regardless of the conditions.

LIZARD POINT : you get a lot of water movement through this area and we’d advise that you don’t swim in this area.

CHURCH COVE/GUNWALLOE : a beautiful and undeveloped area, managed by the National Trust. Sandy beach and ample parking. There are also peak season lifeguards. You’d want to avoid westerly winds of any sort of strength and keep an eye on swell. You can check the surf report for Poldhu on Magic Seaweed.

POLDHU COVE : a sandy beach facing west. Can often get surf. When threre isn’t surf it offers lovely swims. It is a lifeguarded beach in the summer season. There are also some nice rock features to swim around, when there’s no swell. Best swimming north towards Church Cove. It is quite remote and we’d recommend not swimming alone. Poldhu has a beach cafe…that is pretty much open all year.

POLURRIAN COVE : very remote, requires a walk or has very limited parking at Polurrian. Generally very quiet. Epic swims in this area. Again, it’s remote…so don’t swim by yourself and take appropriate safety measures. Great swimming to the left of the beach (south). You could swim across to Mullion Harbour and back (approx 2km). Best swum on an incoming tide. Lifeguarded over the peak weeks of the summer. Absolutely no facilities there whatsoever.

MULLION : swims available from the harbour. Again, I’d look at swimming there from mid tide, on an incoming tide. I’d avoid an outgoing tide as you can get some big water movement towards Mullion island. Common theme here….quite remote, don’t swim by yourself and take appropriate safety precautions.

KYNANCE COVE : a biggie! World class swims and lots of different routes. It can ‘pull’ around Asparagus Island with an outgoing tide, especially with a spring tide…so be careful. This area is not lifeguarded at any stage of the year. The swim around Asparagus Island, the big rock to the north of the beach is stunning. You also have other routes available, that are fairly obvious when you’re there. Again, best swimming with an incoming, neap tide. Avoid wind coming in from the west and swell coming in from any westerly direction. National Trust managed. Big car park and toilet in the car park and at the beach cafe.

HOUSEL BAY : Looks stunning. I’ve never actually paid it a visit! Will do this winter. Apparently it’s quite tricky to access.

CHURCH COVE : the other one. There are two! Stunning. Simply stunning. Limited parking, breathtaking walk through the village to this tiny harbour. You can swim at low tide but it’s tricky to enter and exit the water. Best entering at mid-tide and getting out before high tide. Delightful lifeboat station to the south…not far. Clear water, sand and seaweed bottomed swim north. Very remote and little chance of anyone seeing you if you got into any bother. Take a friend or two if swimming. World Class swim in the right conditions. Avoid wind from the east and swell from the south.

CADGWITH : This will sound silly but swell of 2m+ from any direction will get in here and it’ll be rough. Wow though. So good for swimming. The Devil’s Frying Pan swim, a massive arch in the cliffs, cave swims and general outstanding beauty. Decent parking facilities, toilets and local shop and pub. Swim from the south cove, not the north. The north is full of fishing boats!

KENNACKS SANDS : sandy beach swims. Fairly quiet beach, lifeguarded for most of the season. Clear water, generally safe conditions and a couple of swimming options.

COVERACK : one of the safest places in the Lizard to swim (in the right conditions!). Clear water, sheltered bay…it faces ENE, a direction the wind fairly blows in from. Be careful swimming anywhere near the small fishing harbour.

PORTHOUSTOCK/PORTHALLOW : pebble beaches facing ENE. Very often these areas are sheltered and offer some very safe swimming conditions in most conditions.

GILLAN CREEK : just to the north of the Lizard. Some of my favourite swims in this area. If you time the tide you can swim up the estuary, be careful however. Half way up the river are a couple of felled trees that just poke out of the water. You’d swim the river just before high tide. If you stay in the creek and don’t swim up the river, avoid the middle of the creek (lots of boats) and swim with an incoming tide.