Rotator Cuff and swimming

Due to the low impact involved with swimming, provided you have reasonable technique, swimming should be an activity that you can do into your old age. There are very few issues that could prevent longevity in the sport.

That said you still need to be proactive and take some preventative measures to ensure you can keep going. One of the issues that might prevent you from swimming into your later years is the dreaded rotator cuff injury.

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. There are many reasons why you might develop a problem with your rotator cuff. Best practice is to keep the area nice and strong and be a little pro-active. Adding a stretches and exercises into your weekly training program could be a great start.

*As with all exercises, they may not suit absolutely everyone. If you experience pain with a certain exercise, stop immediately and speak to a professional.

We’ve added a few below.

The first 2 minutes of the video work on an already sore shoulder. From 2 minutes onwards we’re into the rotator cuff specific exercises and strengthening.


With the recent addition of a load of stock, we’d like to officially open our online shop. With all of the products and parts sourced from UK-based companies and one of them made in Cornwall! We’ve designed a whole range of products for open water swimmers. We’ll give you a brief rundown and then we’ll leave a series of images below and supply you with a direct link : CLICK HERE FOR SHOP

Pocket make-up mirrors, pin badges, birthday/greetings cards, swimming bags, tow floats, dry-land resistance cords, stunning photographic print, swimming hats…

Our online shop & new products

Tom & Jo (team Sea Swim Cornwall) have been looking to add to the online shop on the website for a number of months. Although we’re obviously very disappointed in number of the events and holidays we’ve had to cancel the lock down situation we find ourselves in has presented us with the opportunity and the time to do this. A few days ago we added our own brand of resistance cords to the shop and are looking forward to introducing a range of pin badges, tote bags, pocket mirrors and a number of other products to add to our greeting card range. All of our products are inspired by open water swimming and feature elements and characteristics of both open water swimming and the type of people that partake and are dedicated to swimming in the sea, rivers and lakes across the country.

In addition to the products we’ve also added instructional videos - particularly around the use of the resistance cords.