New Event / Weekend / Holiday / Epic series of swims...

Here at Sea Swim Cornwall we love a tweak! Each year we’ll offer one holiday that’s a little bit different from our standard format holidays. Mainly just to see if it works, has a good up-take, see if we’ve previously ‘missed a trick’… and also so our clients have a variety of options. This year we used a campsite in the Lizard as a base. Somewhere for everyone to stay, in a central location, that offered good value for money and has a bar! Get the social side of things working…as it had slacked off somewhat (Covid!). We upped the participant numbers and actually reduced the price for this holiday and we’ve never sold a holiday faster!

Now, we’ve looked around for a similar ‘base’ campsite in the Penzance area and found a great site. Very affordable (£5 per adult, per night at the time of writing), flat ground, right in the middle of west Cornwall…5 minute drive to places like St Ives, Hayle, Penzance, Marazion… We were originally looking to promote this holiday for 2023 but we liked the campsite and set up so much we’re going to run it this year - Sept 9-11, 2022. We’re putting on 5 swims : 1 x swim Friday evening, 2 x swims on Saturday, 2 x swims on Sunday. You can book as many or as few swims as you’d like. £30 per swim (members receive a discounted entry). If this holiday proves popular we’ll add additional swims. You don’t have to stay at the campsite, locals don’t have to camp at all…

You initially book a date and time slot. A few days prior to the swim we’ll look at a reliable, short range forecast and pick the swim that best suits the days conditions - both for your enjoyment and safety. You could also book the entire week and contact us about booking some private swims, swim coaching etc prior to the weekend.

For more info and booking click the button below :

Planning a swimming trip / holiday in Cornwall

Cornwall is packed full of world class open water swimming options. In the wrong conditions however, these can be unpleasant (at best) and sometimes quite dangerous. If you want to get the most out of your swims you’ll need to do your research and give yourself plenty of options. You’ll need to consider the following points :

  • LOCATION : as picturesque as some areas are you need to pick a location that offers swims facing at least two different directions ie. west and east. If you picked Newquay as your destination, for example, a strong westerly wind and/or swell pretty much rules out any local swims! This is the exact reason we based a lot of our swimming activity in Penzance and the Lizard…lots of options.

  • BE PREPARED TO TRAVEL : getting away from the wind and swell may require travel. If you’re planning to swim summer season, this in turn may also require planning…as you may need to park up early (in the popular spots) and get the tides right.

  • RESEARCH : do you research. We offer safe swimming guides to a number of our blog posts. Talk to local swimming groups, look up articles specific to your swim, speak to local lifeguards…Don’t just turn up and swim.

  • CONDITIONS : Look up the conditions for the swim as late as possible, so that the forecast is as accurate as possible. Ideally you want a light off-shore wind. Always best swimming on a neap tide and avoid the first hour after high tide…particularly on a Spring tide.

  • SWIM IN NUMBERS. Contact local open water / wild swimmers that may want to join you. Try and find swimmers of roughly the same fitness levels / pace. Fairly easy contacting swimmers through social media.

  • GUIDED SWIMS. Find a local professional swim guide. You don’t need to do this for all of your swims but if you want to get adventurous or go off-grid, this is definitely advisable.

  • RESCUE EQUIPMENT. Get yourself a tow float that allows you to take a mobile. Well worth getting a waterproof phone pouch also. Just be aware that you won’t always get phone reception!

  • PLAN YOUR SWIM ROUTE. Most people get in real trouble because they PANIC. Plan your swim route. Try and figure out multiple exit points. Think ‘worse case scenario’….and how you’ve navigate these situations.

  • RIVERS. Cornwall has a phenomenal coastline but it also has a number of beautiful rivers. If you can’t get in the sea, head a little inland.

Most of all though…have a great time!