Wild & Open water swimming clothing

We’ve been working hard to add additional swim-related clothing to our collection over the past 6 months. We’ve added :

Wild swimming t-shirt, with the logo ‘Wild Swimmer 365’. It’s a celebration of the all year round swimmer. With large swimming logo on the back and a smaller logo on the left, breast pocket.

A large selection of ‘Wetsuits are for Wimps’ t-shirts…one of our most popular t-shirt logos. This swimming themed t-shirt comes in a number of sizes and colours. We’ve also recently added a hoodie to the collection.

A very recent addition is the ‘Wetsuits are for Wimps’ nightie. We mistakenly added the logo to a number of men’s vests! They are however, perfect as evening wear (nightie) and 100% organic cotton.

In the men’s ranges we have the ‘Real Athletes have Beards’ logo, on a 100% organic cotton, dark grey t-shirt. In addition, we’ve design a new ‘Powered by old man strength’ logo to put on a series of t-shirts. Watch this space.