Wild & Open water swimming clothing

We’ve been working hard to add additional swim-related clothing to our collection over the past 6 months. We’ve added :

Wild swimming t-shirt, with the logo ‘Wild Swimmer 365’. It’s a celebration of the all year round swimmer. With large swimming logo on the back and a smaller logo on the left, breast pocket.

A large selection of ‘Wetsuits are for Wimps’ t-shirts…one of our most popular t-shirt logos. This swimming themed t-shirt comes in a number of sizes and colours. We’ve also recently added a hoodie to the collection.

A very recent addition is the ‘Wetsuits are for Wimps’ nightie. We mistakenly added the logo to a number of men’s vests! They are however, perfect as evening wear (nightie) and 100% organic cotton.

In the men’s ranges we have the ‘Real Athletes have Beards’ logo, on a 100% organic cotton, dark grey t-shirt. In addition, we’ve design a new ‘Powered by old man strength’ logo to put on a series of t-shirts. Watch this space.

Valentine's for the open water / wild swimmer

Tom looked around and couldn’t find too many good Valentine’s Day cards…specifically aimed at open water or wild swimmers anyway. In terms of romantic open water swimming cards there was a definite gap in the market. So he sat down and designed exactly that - a Valentine’s Day card for the open water swimmer. It was tough. Just entering the second lockdown inspiration and creative energy was but Tom soldiered through and managed to come up with a Valentine’s card that incorporates a swimming theme. There is a certain irony attached, as Tom enjoys swimming in the pool! The front of the card states ‘I love you more than I love swimming’, with the central section then saying ‘…in the pool’.

We have a second swimming-themed Valentine’s Card with a stunning image of St Michael’s Mount - stating that ‘you make me happier than a swim around St Michael’s Mount!’.

Both swimming Valentine’s Cards available at - https://www.seaswimcornwall.co.uk/open-water-swimming-shop
