Swimming at Prussia Cove, Penzance.

You’ll find this delightful little cove, just tucked in around the corner from Penzance. With a long and colourful smuggling history.

In any northerly wind direction the cove offers some fantastic swims. The water at Prussia Cove is typically slightly cooler than other areas but the water is often very clear. You also have swimming options in the immediate area, from Prussia Cove to Keneggy or possibly further around to Praa Sands.

There are a number of parking options in the local area. With your best option being to park at Praa Sands and use the coastal path to walk over. The walk is stunning, as are the surroundings.

We’ve attached our safe swimming guide below. We’d also add that this can be a quiet area and quite remote. Be careful when swimming, especially if you’re covering distance around the cliffs and headlands. Also, avoid swimming just after high tide, on a large spring tide.


Swimming Church Cove, the Lizard

We’ve wanted to cover this swim for some time. Church Cove is absolutely stunning. From the walk down, to the thatched roof cottages on the walk down, the tiny harbour, the swim itself… We finally had the perfect conditions and tide to offer this swim…although best not to do it on a low tide, like we did. Was slightly trickier to get out of the water than I would have liked. You might want to try this one a couple of hours after low tide. It’s also very remote, so definitely don’t try it by yourself and take the usual precautions.

Best on a westerly wind. SW light to medium strength winds will also work.

Amazing swim. You can swim right up to the Lizard Lifeboat Station. The water was crystal clear, with seaweed in patches, as well as stretches of white sand. On a higher tide there would be a couple of arches and caves to swim through. Stunning swim. Well worth the effort.

*For the more adventurous swimmers or swim-runner you could swim from Church Cove to Cadgwith (or the other way around) and run back to the car.

That’s it from us. We’ll let the video do the rest of the talking. Church Cove, the lizard Peninsula :

Review of 2021

2021 above all was very…interesting. Planning was very tricky due to Covid and us basically predicting the restrictions that might be in place. The weather and wind forecasts were all over the place, with a lot of the short term forecasts being far less accurate than usual. We had to cancel our first swim ever on the beach, just before we were going to set off…as the forecast and actual conditions were wholly inaccurate. The wind strength was really strong for long parts of the summer. The water temperature was also really cool until at least the start of June. Cornwall was incredibly busy all year, so we had to factor in parking with a lot of our activity.

That being said…what a great summer of swimming it was!

We appeared in the national press 3 times over the course of the year! The Times, Financial Times and Guardian.

We started the season with quite a few swims around Mousehole Island and a few shorter routes. Mainly for safety reasons, as if you started to get cold you’d have less distance to negotiate on your way in. We have a large list of shorter swims and some stunning swims with really interesting features, so we still offered some beautiful swims. We also offered water safety / rip current awareness courses (for the first time) in the early part of the season, so swimmers could swim safely through the summer. Along with some 30 minute coaching sessions and a coaching programme we ran at the Jubilee Pool.

We ran a number of swimming holidays through the summer. We saw lots of new faces, as well as lots of returning ones. A number of these holidays were private holidays for returning groups. By the end of the summer we also got back to what we do best - a nice social trip, with pubs and cafes featuring…as well as world class swimming of course!

2021 saw us offer a new type of holiday. We held a trip in the middle of the Lizard Peninsula, with people staying in a central campsite. This made for a far more social experience and has proved to be incredibly popular.

NEW SWIMS : We’re always on the look out for new swims. I find it incredible that we still find them 4 years of swimming holiday. This year saw us swim out of Polurrian Cove on a couple of occasions. A stunning, quiet beach, just around the corner from the more popular Poldhu Cove. As well as swimming a route up towards Mullion, we also completed a more challenging 2km route from Polurrian to Poldhu.

The Sea swim Cornwall team completed a glorious swim from Porthleven to Rinsey - a quite spectacular route of around 3 miles. READ ABOUT IT HERE.

We offered a few swims at Kynance Cove this summer and accidentally (always the best way) found a secret new cave, only accessible on a certain tide. We’ll look to offer this swim next summer…occasionally.

Church Cove, on the east side of the Lizard (there are 2!), has been on our hit list for some time. This year gave us the perfect opportunity to finally offer up this swim and it did not disappoint. Words don’t do it justice. You’d be better off clicking on the link above.

A longer swim we’ve considered for some time finally got some attention. Lamorna to Mousehole. Around 4km of what we thought would be rugid, DEEP swimming but it was surprising safer than we imagined. In the right conditions, getting out is fairly straight forward, once you’re round the point at Lamorna. There is also a coastal path you can scramble up to, if needs be. Whilst it is deep in parts, there are also fairly shallow sections the whole way along. Swimming into Mousehole, from the less popular side was also a real pleasure. It’s a swim we’ll more than likely look to offer next year.

Porthchapel - hidden around the corner from Porthcurno was a real treat. There is a little scramble / climb down the rocks onto the beach…but nothing too taxing. It’s a beautiful beach and swim. It’s also a new and different option to swim to from Porthcurno.

The north side of the west of Cornwall is an area we’ve spent some time exploring. Whilst we’re happy with heading to St Ives when a strong southerly wind blows in, it’s nice to have lots of options. We’ve found a few additional swims, although some are a little tricky to get to. We’ll save these for smaller groups and on-off swims.

Praa Sands also hosted a number of swims. Whilst I’ve visited Praa Sands a number of times, I"‘ve never really rated it as a beach. This summer however, changed that. Really enjoyed spending time here. There are a number of very cool cave swims off both ends of the beach and options to swim around to Keneggy and Prussia Cove.

Poldhu Cove better known for it’s surfing has provided us with a few very nice swims this summer. There’s an awesome little channel that you can swim through on the point and you also have the option of swimming around to Church Cove and exploring a few caves.

All-in-all fantastic summer of swimming. We’ve actually learnt a little more about reading the conditions, found some new swims and tweaked a couple of our holidays for 2022.

2022 holiday dates and events are either out or being announced shortly. Holidays requiring just a £50 fee to reserve your spot at this stage. Memebership for regular local swims are also currently available for 2022. You’ll find out about events and holidays first, be offered last minute reduced entry for any spots still available on holidays, as well as receive discounted entry for weekend swims and events. CLICK HERE for more info. Membership just £20.

Swimfari Event in Cornwall

This event was a result of a late night brain storming session. Sea Swim Cornwall wanted to come up with a shorter, safer event specifically aimed at slower swimmers, swimming newbies, the head up breaststrokers, the less competitive swimmer, people that don’t like the mass starts and aren’t a fan of the more formal and competitive swimming events.

We set a rough geographical area for the swims and then wait until 2-3 days before the event day. We’ll then email the participants after looking at a short range, fairly accurate forecast of the conditions. This allows us to offer enjoyable swims, in the most favourable and safe conditions.

The Swimfari events typically consist of 3-5 swims over the course of the morning and afternoon. Each swim is approx 500 - 1200m in length. The exact distance is up to you, as is whether or not you take part in all of the swims. We have a number of water safety crew spread out across the swim length, so it’s very easy to turn back early if you’d like.

The St Mawes Swimfari this year was a real hit. We planned the whole event around having a spring high tide at the St Just-in-Roseland pool / harbour. A swim that never disappoints. You walk down through the subtropical Church garden to the banks of the harbour. From there you have a sheltered swim, in the shadow of the Church and gardens. Most swam out through the harbour and onto the river. This year we had a little morning mist, which made the swim a little more dramatic than usual but no less spectacular. From there we put on 3 magical swims, all based around St Mawes Castle and St Mawes itself. The feedback from the event has been great and we’ll look to plan a 10km swim around the same area in 2022 (broken into 2 x 5km swims).


Porthleven to Rinsey


This is a swim we’ve been talking about for some time. Swimming out of Porthleven Harbour is always great (stick to flat conditions and away from the main, central channel whilst in the harbour). It can be a little tricky to plan as you need nice flat conditions and either a light N or NE wind. Today was the day however!

Swimming out of Porthleven Harbour is always spectacular. Once you swim around the corner you’re greeted by an underground forest of seaweed and boulders. As you pass the first corner you can follow the spectacular cliffs and rock formations for a good mile and a half. You get to see a few beautiful, remote, sandy beaches, as well as lots of cave formations (including Nichols Cove) . You then head straight towards Trewavas Mine, perched right on the edge of the cliff. As stunning as the mines are they’re also slightly soul destroying. They’re far enough away that every time you ‘sight’ them they look exactly the same distance away…which makes you feel like you’re getting nowhere for quite a while!

Once you pass the mines you’ll shimmy around the headland, complete a short stretch before you shimmy around the last point and you’re then on the home straight. I love swimming the Rinsey stretch. We were greeted by a shoal of thousands of Sand Eel, as well as the odd larger fish. At this stage boulders rise and fall as you swim over them, you swim over large patches of white sand and eventually end up at the beautiful Rinsey Cove.

We also had the bright idea of running the coastal path back. Having done very little training all year - what could go wrong!? It is an absolutely stunning route across the side of the cliffs/hills and absolutely brutal to run (unfit anyway!). Up and down STEEP hills for 4 miles.

Epic swim. Best to do in a group or with water safety cover. BE CAREFUL. Probably best to start just before high tide and do your research and planning.


Choose your swimming holiday / activity

We have a range of swims, events and activities, for a range of abilities. This blog post will hopefully help you to decide which option best suits you. I’ll break your options down into what you might swim regularly in terms of distances and speed and your experience level and look at what might be suitable. We’ll start at 1 (which would be a complete beginner) up to 5 (more advanced swimmers).


Just started swimming, possibly don’t swim front crawl or lacking confidence, definitely in need of some coaching…

LOOK AT : 1-2-1 coaching or small group coaching (with some friends), we also run beach you could also safety courses/rip current awareness…

You could also look at our ‘Slow, Short and Social’ swimming holiday option. Short, supervised ‘plods’ in stunning locations…


Maybe looking to swim further and improve technique. May also want to look at small scale swimming events or take on longer swims safely…

LOOK AT : 1-2-1 coaching or small group coaching (with some friends) & we also run beach safety courses/rip current awareness. Take a look at our Swimfari Events - a non-competitive day of swimming, with multiple swims, based on the days conditions. Ideal as a social day out, to gain experience and fitness and ultimately have a laugh.

Another option might be an assisted swim. We tow a SUP around a longer swim with us. This gives the swimmer the option to take regular breaks or catch a lift around sections of the swim. This option open up a whole new world of swimming options that weren’t possible ordinarily.

You may also consider a ‘Slow swimming holidays’. Chat to a member of staff before booking.

Or again, look at our ‘Slow, Short and Social’ swimming holiday option. Multiple short, supervised ‘plods’ in stunning locations…


LOOK AT : 1-2-1 coaching or small group coaching (with some friends) & we also run beach safety courses/rip current awareness. Take a look at our Swimfari Events - a non-competitive day of swimming, with multiple swims, based on the days conditions. Ideal as a social day out, to gain experience and fitness and ultimately have a laugh.

People often get a little intimidated by swimming holidays. All of our swims are based on the conditions and the average pace of swimmer is generally around 2-2.30 mins per 100m over a distance swim (approx 20-25 mins per km). We obviously have slower and faster swimmers…but we either split the water safety/group up or swim as a group and the faster swimmers double back regularly.

We offer our unique ‘10k Day’ events, taking in 3-4 swims over the course of the day, that total….10km! We’ve stopped this type of event for 2020 (Covid fitness issues) but it will come back. The Swimfari Event follows the same format but with shorter distances.

We also have short-notice / weekend swims or privately book a swim.


You may still look at coaching or water safety courses.

You’ll definitely need to look at Swimming Holidays, all of our events, as well as our one-off swims and private bookings. As well as set-date swimming holidays we also take private group booking swimming holidays (tailoring the holiday to the group), generally starting with as few as 4 people in the group.


You’ll definitely need to look at Swimming Holidays, all of our events, as well as our one-off swims and private bookings. As well as set-date swimming holidays we also take private group booking swimming holidays (tailoring the holiday to the group), generally starting with as few as 4 people in the group.

We also cover longer distance swim (up to 10km) private bookings. Either individuals or we’ll take small groups (provided they stay as a group through the swim)….as well as body surfing tuition.

Church Cove, the Lizard

We’re always on the lookout for new swims and re-visiting old swims to check out local parking, changes in cafe and shop use, exploring more of the local area…

This week we went to the Lizard Peninsula and went back to a few spots, checked out some new potential swims and just had a bit of a jolly!

This is Church Cove in the Lizard. It’s a stunner. Will make for an excellent addition to a long list of swims that we offer.

Swim Camp

This year Sea Swim Cornwall are rolling out a new type of swimming holiday. We’re basing ourselves at a campsite on the Lizard Peninsula. The campsite is very central and around 15 minutes drive away from a large number of world class swims.

You have places like Kynance Cove, Church Cove, Porthallow, Cadgwith Cove, Lizard Point, Kennegy Sands… just a stones throw away.

The idea of the holiday is to allow you to book as many, or as fewer swims as you’d like. You simply book the accommodation and then book individual swims. The swims are then broken into groups - the groups based on speed and distance. We have every confidence that this camping / swimming holiday will go well this year, we’ll then look to add coaching sessions, water safety and rip awareness courses and a whole loads of extras for next year’s swimming trip. We also tow a large SUP on the swims. This allows swimmers the chance to climb aboard and have a breather, whilst still being involved with the swim and adds an additional layer of safety to the swims.

The concept and some of the locations are detailed in the video below :

Swimming Course at the Jubilee Pool

We recently ran a 4 week course at the Jubilee Pool. We looked at water safety and rip currents at the beach, the theory behind breathing, arm pull and recovery, body roll, head position, leg kick….we then ran a practical in the pool. The lady featured in the video had never swum front crawl - this was week 3. Not everyone progressed this quickly but we were really happy with all the progress that the participants made.

We’ll look to run further courses like this one over the summer.

Financial Times Article

Last week we hosted Will Hide (a travel journalist), who then wrote a piece for the Financial Times…featuring Sea Swim Cornwall. On his stay we took in a delightful swim at Penberth Cove, followed by swims at Cadgwith Cove (and the Devil’s Frying Pan), Coverack and Mousehole Harbour. Great few days and article.

Swimming in Cornwall in a westerly wind

Strong westerly wind blows in - what do you do?

This week we were hosting a journalist for a national newspaper and the wind was howling in from the west. We had to do a bit of travelling but still got in some great swims.

A medium to strong westerly can be a little tricky to escape when on the north or west coast but it can be done…generally with a little bit of driving. With a strong westerly you may also need to check the swell direction. A SW swell along with a westerly wind may well rule out the south coast.

You can always hit most of the harbours at high tide for some sheltered swimming but if you want a bit more of an adventurous swim…

If you don’t mind a bit of a drive - Cadgwith Cove, Coverack or Church Cove in the Lizard.

You could take up the opportunity for a strong tail wind and swim from Mousehole to Sandy Cove, just before Newlyn Harbour. St Clement’s Isle (aka Mousehole Island) may also be an option.

Additionally, you could check out most of the swims in the Falmouth area, Gorran Haven, Charlestown/Porthpean, the Portscatho area or you could head for somewhere like Carrick Roads - obviously do your research on the tides.

Cornish swims in a strong northerly wind.

You get that horrible strong wind blowing in from the north - where do you swim in Cornwall? Here are some of our suggestions….

Salt Water Images .co. uk

Salt Water Images .co. uk

  1. Provided the wind isn’t too strong - St Michael’s Mount isn’t too bad. The wind doesn’t have a large fetch to whip up chop, so it remains fairly calm. You have a tail wind on the way out, protection from the island and then you obviously have a head wind on the way back. Swim anti-clockwise as you’ll have a tail wind for the longest stretch and watch out for the ferry on the way back in!

  2. If you’re on the north coast and the tides are right…head for the Gannel. Do your research though, you need to get the tides right.

  3. You have a number of beaches in the Penzance area, including Mousehole/St Clements Isle, Porthleven area, Rinsey, Prussia Cove…. as well as Porthcurno, Lamorna and Penberth.

  4. Lizard area - Kynance (get there early!), Lizard Point or Cadgwith. All stunners. It’s a bit of a drive for most…so do a little mini-tour.

  5. Falmouth shouldn’t be too bad. Head for Maenporth and Swanpool areas.

AVOID : You’ll pretty much want to avoid the whole of the north coast and St Ives. There’s not a lot of escape from a strong northly in those areas.

Short Notice Summer Swim Double-Ups

 We trialled this at the end of last summer and it worked really well. This summer we’ll offer our standard 2-3 km short notice swims (short-notice as we check the conditions midweek and then pick the swim based on the forecasted conditions). We’ll also offer shorter distance swim double-ups…so we’ll swim around 1km at two different locations, that are fairly close to each other. These are more of an exploration and as they’re fairly laid back you get more of a chance to get a few coaching tips and ask questions.

Potential Doubles for this summer :

Porthcurno / Penberth or Nanjizal / Porthcurno : Porthcurno is easily one of our favourites and a stunning swimming location. The beauty of Porthcurno is that it also has some stunning swimming ‘neighbours’.

Kynance / Cadgwith : Kynance is Cornish Top 3 swims material. Cadgwith offers the breathtaking ‘Devil’s Frying Pan’ swim, as well as some very cool nearby caves to explore.  

Mousehole / Mount : swimming over to St Clement’s Isle (Mousehole Island) and back. Then swimming off the beach at Marazion.

Porthleven Harbour / Rinsey or Prussia Cove : swimming out of the iconic Porthleven Harbour and back in. Rinsey or Prussia also offer fabulous, peaceful swims.

The Gannel / Polly Joke : Crystal clear water, meets a little Cornish gem.


This summer we’re offering memberships for return/frequent ‘short-notice swimmers’. The membership offers around 1/3 discount – and is only £15! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Top 10 West Cornwall Swims

We’ve pretty much swum every inch of the west Cornwall coast. Here are our top 10 swims-ish. It’s really hard!

10. Prussia Cove - it’s not just the swimming but the whole experience. Beautiful, fairly quiet cove. Magical walk down. You can swim around to Keneggy or go west and back round to the start. Typically fairly clear water, always a bit chillier than other local areas though!

9. Swimming out through Porthleven Harbour (we definitely wouldn’t recommend this without an experienced guide!) and swimming SE along the beach. This is a hard one to beat in the right conditions. It’s difficult not to be impressed with some a stunning harbour.



8. Carbis Bay to Porthkidney and back. Crystal clear water and a white sand beach. Definitely worth doing at high tide.

7. Lamorna Cove. Can be a bit hit and miss. If storms and rough seas bring in seaweed it often gets stuck there for months. You get this beach right however, it’s like being in the tropics. Clear water, white sand, an abundance of fish…

6. Mousehole and St Clement’s Isle. Mousehole is one of my favourite places in the world. Stunning village and harbour. St Clement’s Isle offers a 1-1.5km swim (depending on how straight you swim!). Give the island a wide birth ensuring you don’t get too close to the seals.

Mousehole Harbour

Mousehole Harbour

5. Rinsey to Praa Sands and back. Loads of see on the way. A few caves and rock features to explore en route too. At the time of writing there isn’t much sand on Rinsey beach so might be difficult to get into the water.

4. Zennor. Again, this one is about the whole experience. Stunning village, followed by a stunning coastal walk. You have to scramble down the side of the valley to het to the beach…something that older, or less mobile readers may struggle with. For me though, it’s well worth the effort. Secluded bay, clear waters….don’t swim alone though and ensure someone knows where you are.

3. St Michael’s Mount. I think I’ve marked the Mount down, simply because I’ve taken so many groups around it. I don’t think I need to write much about the Mount.

2. Kynance Cove & swimming around Asparagus Island. Breath-taking swim. Incredible rock features, both on top and underneath the water. The walk down to the beach is worth a visit alone. Best swimming at low tide and get there early. It gets very busy in the summer months.

1. Porthcurno. World Class swimming here. Plan your swim for mid-low tide or on a small neap tide. It’s great at high tide but it just gets a bit deeper, a bit darker, the golden sands get lost a little under a high tide. You can swim over to Logan Rock or head west and take in the Minack Theatre.

*To help plan your swims in Cornwall we’ve created a Cornish swimming map book - where you can record, plan and get suggestions for your swimming trip or check out our Cornish Swim Trumps card game. CLICK HERE


Open water swimming safety courses

With decades of beach lifeguarding experience between the team, in both Cornwall and all over the world - Sea Swim Cornwall have put together a beach safety swimming course. We’ve focussed our efforts on teaching the participants about reading the conditions both at the beach and from home. We then go through rip currents, how to identify them, common myths surrounding rips, how to manage yourself in a rip current and what to do if you see someone else in one.

There is also a practical element to the course, provided the conditions are suitable. For the participants that would like to participate - we’ll take them out in a rip current in small group and go through what to do if you get caught in one. We’ll obviously have water safety present throughout. If the conditions aren’t appropriate we’ll put on a demonstration.

We have set date courses running through April / start of May - ready for the summer season. We then resume running set date courses in October. You can also book private group session through the whole of the summer, simply get in touch.


Planning your summer of swimming in Cornwall

Whether you’re a wild dipping enthusiast or a serious open water swimmer - Cornwall offers more coastline than the rest of the south west put together…and what a coastline! I’m based in Penzance and we’re spoilt for choice but it’s the same throughout Cornwall. The main advantage we have in Penzance is that we have beaches and swims that pretty much face every direction. This obviously means that you can generally get a swim in regardless of the conditions, with minimal driving involved.

Photo supplied by www.saltwaterimages.co.uk

Photo supplied by www.saltwaterimages.co.uk

Here’s a run down of where to swim in various areas…although I may miss out some of my favourite ‘secret spots’ :

ST IVES : Carbis Bay is always a winning choice - clear water, sheltered from S wind/conditions. Easy to add distance if you want an adventurous swim. Rarely any swell. You could attempt the ‘Island’ if you’re feeling really adventurous but we’d recommend a guide and prefect conditions. Any of the town beaches offer beautiful wild dip opportunities.

PENZANCE : the whole of the Mousehole area is world class, especially at high tide. Porthleven Harbour is a swim you’ll remember but again you’ll need a guide, you need to get the tide right. You have several beaches around the Porthcurno area…and if you’re really adventurous you can try and find the beach at Zennor…it is a bit of a scramble down to it mind.

NEWQUAY : can be tricky as it’s hard to escape a westerly wind and big or rough seas if the conditions are challenging. The Gannel Estuary at high is a stunner! As is Crantock Beach when the conditions are flat. You can travel north to Mother Ivey’s Bay. Whipsiddery to Watergate is one of my fave’s but it’s quite secluded…only attempt that one if the conditions are right, you’re a competent & experienced swimmer and you have company.

ST AUSTELL : straight to either Charlestown or Porthpean. A swim from one to the other…and possibly back. Can’t go wrong! Gorran Haven just down the road is also worth a mention and visit. Lovely little village, full of character. There is another beach in the Gorran Haven area…but I don’t want to upset the locals!

FALMOUTH : I’ve always enjoyed getting off the main drag in Falmouth and popping around the corner from Gyllyngvase to Swanpool or Maenporth. Great spots from swimming!

THE LIZARD : Oh boy! Take your pick. Kynance, Cadgwith, Lizard Point, Church Cove…. Take a few days off.

Photo courtesy of www.saltwaterimages.co.uk

Photo courtesy of www.saltwaterimages.co.uk

We’ll check in at a later date and talk about north Cornwall.

Swimming Card Game

We’ve gone and made an open water / wild swimming card game - made up of some of our favourite swims from around Cornwall. Cornish Swim Trumps is made up of some stunning open water swims from around Cornwall - including St Michael’s Mount, the St Ives area, Mother Ivey’s Bay and areas around north Cornwall. As well as an entertaining card game the cards also detail 36 different swims from around Cornwall and work well as inspiration for planning your swimming summer (or winter!) in Cornwall.

Cornish Swim Trumps is ideal for a rainy day, as a gift (for a fellow swim enthusiast), Christmas / birthday present….

The cards are split up into 5 categories : Water calrity, accessibility, safety, crowds and wow factor. Each category being marked out of 100 and include some stunning images of each beach / swim.

VIEW PRODUCT PAGE - https://www.seaswimcornwall.co.uk/open-water-swimming-shop/swimming-card-game


Wild & Open water swimming clothing

We’ve been working hard to add additional swim-related clothing to our collection over the past 6 months. We’ve added :

Wild swimming t-shirt, with the logo ‘Wild Swimmer 365’. It’s a celebration of the all year round swimmer. With large swimming logo on the back and a smaller logo on the left, breast pocket.

A large selection of ‘Wetsuits are for Wimps’ t-shirts…one of our most popular t-shirt logos. This swimming themed t-shirt comes in a number of sizes and colours. We’ve also recently added a hoodie to the collection.

A very recent addition is the ‘Wetsuits are for Wimps’ nightie. We mistakenly added the logo to a number of men’s vests! They are however, perfect as evening wear (nightie) and 100% organic cotton.

In the men’s ranges we have the ‘Real Athletes have Beards’ logo, on a 100% organic cotton, dark grey t-shirt. In addition, we’ve design a new ‘Powered by old man strength’ logo to put on a series of t-shirts. Watch this space.


Jo - the sailor and river expert of the team, had been telling me about this little harbour near St Mawes for ages. A few years ago, whilst we went sailing with Jo he pulled up nearby and we rowed over to a nearby beach. We then walked along the coastal path to St Just-in-Roseland harbour. Whilst on the walk I wore my speedos and flip flops, opting to carrying my wetsuit. It was a Sunday and I got some very funny looks as I strutted past the church…that just happened to have finished it’s Sunday activities and…of course, all of the attendees left the church to be confronted by a young(ish) man, in a very colourful pair of speedos and his flip-flops! What a treat for all concerned!

Anyway, we’ve since taken a few groups here and they’ve all fallen in love with the place. You have to make sure that you get the tides right, or you’ll be dragging yourself through the mud flats. Stunning area and a stunning swim. This will be the start of our St Mawes Swimfari 2021.

Starting out in open water swimming and front crawl.

With a massive rise in wild swimming, dipping and open water swimming we thought we’d write a little piece on improving your swimming…taking the first few steps from bobbing around in the water, bit of breaststroke or limited front crawl - to swimming front crawl…and increasing your distances.

FACE AND BREATHING : if you’ve just started in the open water, getting your face in is step one. Make sure you wear a swimming cap, you can wear 2 if it’s really cold and a decent pair of goggles. By decent, I don’t mean expensive. Everyone has a different shaped face and not all goggles will suit everyone. Sometimes it’s a case of trial and error. Also, wear ear plugs or something to stop you getting ‘surfers ear’. Best place to start is to simply take a breath, put your face in and slowly expel the air, before bringing your face out and taking another breath. You shouldn’t bring your face out and breath out. The breathing out section should be completed underwater. Repeat. Whilst swimming some people breath in and then expel the water when their face goes in quite quickly, some breath out consistently until their face comes out for another breath…it’s an individual thing.

FRONT CRAWL STROKE : once you’re comfortable breathing in the water, you can then look to put your breathing and stroke together. I’d suggest starting off by focussing on the relationship between your arm strokes and breathing and getting comfortable and efficient with this part of your stroke. In salt water or with the assistance of a wetsuit you’re nice and buoyant. So initially it’s nice and easy to take your leg kick out of the equation. Simply put your ankles together and let your legs float behind you. I say this because it’s almost impossible to focus on your arms, breathing and leg kick at the same time. It’s like trying to ride a unicycle, whilst juggling and having a conversation!

LEGS : Once you feel like you’re making progress and you’re not having to put too much thought into what you’re doing, you might then consider adding leg kick to the mix. Leg kick is one of the most difficult parts. It’s not difficult to kick your legs…it’s having an efficient kick that’s the tricky bit. When coaching 90% of the issue we try and correct are poor leg kicks. Your legs will use a lot of oxygen and if you’re not kicking efficiently you don’t get any propulsion. Which isn’t great. You’ll also be deprived of oxygen, which in turn will slow you down over distance and increases fatigue. The other issue is for runners. Leg kick is all about the flexibility in your ankles. Runners notoriously have stiff ankle and often really struggle with leg kick. Your kick should be short and sharp - with the most important bit being that your ankles should be together, with heels just breaking the surface of the water.

DISTANCE : start with short bursts and get it right over those bursts. Have regular rest intervals. Once you feel like your getting it right over shorter distances start to extend the distances that you’re swimming.

COACHING : the most cost effective way to get coaching would be to follow the advice above and once you’re swimming take yourself to see a coach. If you want to swim in the sea, have an open water swim coaching session. If you want to swim in the pool….a pool session. If you want to do both I’d complete a pool coaching session. Think about the area that’s most important to you.

You can see a coach at the very start. It’ll help but will be a little more expensive.

Your coach should give you drills to take away and practise. It’s also really helpful to know where you’re going wrong as you can then visit Youtube and look at drills to correct the issues and do your own homework. The best place to practise drills is in the pool but you won’t have the buoyancy in the pool, that you typically have in salt water/wearing a wetsuit. The salt water is also more forgiving with your stroke, so some problems won’t be as visible in the salt water, as they would in the pool. A low hip position, for example may be hidden by the buoyancy salt water provides.